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Introducing the FOUNDER


Zimraan Shamrao

Hello, my name is Zimraan Shamrao. I am 15 years old and I love engineering! Ever since I was little I loved designing and creating things. My first introduction to engineering was through creating 3D cardboard marvel props from tutorials on Youtube. The experience sparked my love for engineering and led me to the path of 3D modeling and electronics.

After taking an online course by Mark Rober on the creative engineering process I went to work and created my first invention, a device to teach me self-control - the Timed Candy Dispenser. I then created the Marshmallow Roaster, a hand-held device that automatically and slowly spins a marshmallow over a fire to roast it evenly. This was very popular with the neighborhood kids. I am working on a production-ready version of this to add to my web-store. I invented the two products you see on this web-store soon after the Marshmallow Roaster.

Zinnovation products are designed around the core principle of making everyday life easier. I hope you consider buying my products and discovering the ease and elegance of Zinnovation.

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